Friday, May 27, 2011

Moshe the Cat

With permission from Marcy to share this with you:

We had the ceremony for Moshe on Tuesday with me, my mom, and my dad.
Each one of them read a prayer. I said a few short things because i
didn't think i could read anything without crying hysterically. so i
am going to read the prayers you gave me individually during the week
and on the weekend. I think moshe likes the spot i picked for him -
it is peaceful and beautiful.

Thank you for your support throughout this time.


  1. Marcy, may the blessing of strength, faith, hope and love carry you through this time...

  2. Moshe is sharing happy times with my furbabies and is waiting for the day she will reunited with her loving family.

    Her final resting place sounds lovely.

    Prayers for all of you...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.