Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good News! - Beatrice the Dog

From Trish:
I have wonderful news~~ Beatrice was found by an elderly couple and they contacted me last evening! She was hiding under a truck behind their home, afraid to come out but they finally coaxed her to come to them with treats. (This is pretty amazing because Beatrice is a rottweiler and many shy away from her for that reason alone, however, she is very sweet and gentle.) She has a minor injury and is at the vet’s office getting stitches. Other than that she is in good shape!

On Tuesday, I was almost certain I wouldn’t find her. But then, reading your blog, decided to take the positive approach, take action and pray continuously. I am so grateful to have her back and for all the prayers and intentions sent on our behalf! I can’t thank you and the prayer warriors enough for all your prayers. I will keep these pets and owners in my daily intentions.

May God bless you and keep you!



  1. GREAT NEWS! and may God Bless & Keep you also!

  2. Welcome home, Beatrice. Now you mind your people - no more wandering!


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