Monday, March 14, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Emma the Dog

From Matt:
Last week my Springer Spaniel named Emma was diagnosed with terminal liver disease. My wife and I are devastated. Emma is 9 years old and my best friend in the world. When I am not at work she is my constant companion whether running errands, in the field, the woods, or on the lake. The disease is terminal. The doctors have been great. They told us she may have 2-3 months left but she is in liver failure as I write this. My wife and I do not want her to suffer. She is currently stabilized. Unless there is a miracle, we will protect her from suffering seizures, convulsions, vomiting, and incredible pain by putting her down later this week. I took this week off from work to be with her while she is stable and appears to not be in pain. However, the 7 medications she is on and their side effects are creating another kind of suffering. My heart is broken. Emma is my wonderful little black and white springer spaniel that I probably love more than I should. God made her for me and now he is taking her away. Please pray for my Emma.

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