Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sad News - Sasha the Cat

From Rebecca:
Thank you so much for your prayers. My little Sasha was waiting on me last Sunday night and she meowed and I picked her up. I was excited that her lymph nodes were no longer swollen. However, God in his wisdom wanted to take Sasha where she could be completely whole. I held her in my arms and sang Amazing Grace to her and she went on to be with Jesus. She passed peacefully. Even though she left me so quickly and unexpectedly my prayers were answered that she wouldn’t suffer and I wouldn’t have to make a decision to have her put to sleep. I was in shock that she died because that morning she rolled over and purred as I said goodbye and I had called and left her messages that day that I loved her. I believed in my heart she was on her way to be healed and she was, just a different way than I expected… I was very thankful that she was able to say goodbye.

I know that the comforter will take me through this as I was taken through when Daddy died…..

God bless you.
Please say a prayer for Rebecca during this sad time.


  1. Asking for prayers for my lost border collie, Kiera. She has been missing since 02/05/11. She had her own special sunshine, and she is very greatly missed here @ home.
    May God bless all who visit here with their own prayers.

  2. Debbie we are praying for Kiera's safe return
    home. A prayer request will be posted later today.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.