Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Spike the Parrotlet and Rocky

From the owner:
Please say a prayer for our little parrotlet, Spike who was rushed to the vet today as he was found very sick in his cage last night. The vet said he was very weak and only gave him a 50/50 chance of survival. Apparently he was eating but his food, etc. was not being absorbed by his body, making him extremely underweight and dehydrated. The next 48 hours are critical as the vet is trying to stabilize him and hand feed him so that he will be strong enough to take antibiotics and meds. Spike has a bonded companion, Rocky who is very lonely and confused as to why Spike is not in his home cage tonite. Please also pray that Rocky does not come down with anything – to lose one, much less both, would be devastating. Please St. Anthony, watch over them and protect them during these next critical days and if it’s God’s will, please return Spike to a healthy state. In your name we pray….Amen.


  1. Please pray for our cat Krista. She has lost of lot of weight and the vet thinks she has either diabetes or kidney disease. We are waiting for test results.

  2. Diane, I won't be able to post your prayer request until
    Monday. But in the meantime I will be praying for Krista. We pray for ALL the pets in need.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.