Wednesday, February 23, 2011

St. Anthony's Bread & A Message of Thanks to Sts. Francis and Anthony for Cubbie the Dog

From Patricia: Thank you Sts. Francis and Anthony,

I prayed for your help to keep “Cubbie” safe and a nice man found her while trying to find our son. Someone “moved” the lost sign where this nice gentleman could see it as our son swears he didn’t post in that area. Cubbie was lost 2-19-2011 when the front door blew open from a storm, and our son got him back 2-23-11. Thank you, thank you, Sts. Francis and Anthony.

Source of picture and information Catholic Home and Garden.

BTW, for those of you who would like a way of thanking St. Anthony for finding your lost pet, please consider making a St. Anthony's Bread contribution.

Saint Anthony of Padua is also known as the Wonder Working Saint. Following the tradition of the Franciscans, this Saint served the poor and in thanks for favors granted, many take part in the tradition known as St. Anthony's Bread - donations given to buy bread for the poor. Today blessed bread is sold to help the poor and a small piece is saved as a sacramental to keep in times of illness or danger. Saint Anthony had a vision of the Infant Jesus and is often shown holding Him. He is the Patron Saint of things that are lost and Catholics often write + SAG on letters - Saint Anthony Guide.

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