Thursday, January 27, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Harley the Dog

From Sandra:
My Mom is Mom to "Harley' the dog with lymphatic cancer in South Carolina. Harley is a very special and loving little daushaund. She was rescued from a pet shop that had been abandoned. She was found in the top drawer of a filing cabinet where she was left from somewhere between 2-3 weeks, no food and no water. This very special little dog survived all odds and she recovered enough to be adopted only by a special family. My Mom and her little granddaughter, Abbi, 4 years old at the time, adopted the little dog and named her "Harley". Harley thrives with Mom and Abbi, my niece. She has taught Abbi things about life that only a pet could. Abbi can not have a pet at home, so she and my Mom adopted her for my Mom's house. Harley has been such a joy to all of our family. She fills the void in a drab day with all of her wit and charm. She is quick to defend her family and she lives with 3 cats. Harley is the best friend a little girl could ever have. She is also my Mom's watchdog, friend, companion and blessing. Mom is a divorced widow. She depends on Harley for her keen, sharp hearing to protect them thru the night.

I know animals are put here on this earth for a reason and Harley survived and endured the worse life threw at her in the very beginning. She is at deaths door as her breathing is rasp and shallow. She is on steroids to help with the swelling of the glands but the cancer has now spread from her throat to her rectum and last week caused the rectum to protrude out of her little body.

We have prayed and prayed. We do not want her to suffer but can not bear to part with her medically. Please pray that God will heal this little dog for my Mom and Abbi and for her to be able to continue to enjoy the fullest life has to offer her.

At man's hand she suffered, and now at woman and child's hand she had enjoyed life, before the cancer.

We pray that God will have mercy on little Harley and will grant her total healing and a longer life to be with her loved ones.

I happened onto your web site from a e-mail prayer from a prayer thru you.
God bless you for this web site and for all the prayers that I know and believe will be lifted up for Harley and for all the other creatures that are being prayed for.

God bless you all,


  1. Hello,
    Please know I have and will pray for Harley, and you.
    Take comfort in this: Christ ask a question which showed he hears us, and cares, which was, what father would have his son ask for a fish and give him a stone.
    Knowing that even in our imperfection, we still love enough to never do that, we can therefore KNOW a perfect GOD will give us even more, and cares for every life and our every hope.
    I pray for Harley's healing, and also that you KNOW, when Harley's time to pass comes, Harley will immediately return to a loving creator. That is a perfect, assuring eternity for Harley.
    Be blessed, all will be ok
    Steve Chapman

  2. Thank you for praying for Harley and my Mom. Your words are such a blessing. They remind me of what I know , but my heart got in the way of remembering the ultimate truth, the way, and the light. Your words were so inspiring and upliftin. our hearts were opened by your tender way of reminding us that when she does pass, now or later, she will return to our Creator. That is perfect and pure peace.
    May you also continue to be blessed.
    Sandra Raborn


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.