Friday, January 28, 2011

Message from Steve Chapman, Sundance's Owner

Hello to everyone who has a prayer request here, visits here, and to those you love. I wanted to say how deeply I appreciate the efforts put into this site.

It takes COURAGE to take a stand and refuse to let the world’s “stuff” and distorted priorities defocus us from deep love and care for our animals. As we are told in GOD’s word, ‘a wise man cares for the needs of his animal.’ (from Proverbs 12:10 (NIV)

To estherjoeysmom, I say this:

Blessings to you for this kindness and caring. What a wonderful service

To all who’s prayers are here for beloved pets and animals, I say peace to you, and the joy of heaven and the new earth awaits our animal friends, and of course us as GOD’s own.

Hang tough, GOD hears our cries and prayers.

In love,

Steve Chapman
Thank you very much Steve. God bless.

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