Monday, December 20, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Zoe the Cat

From Audrey:
Please pray for Zoe. She is a very precious and well-loved 7 year old Tortoiseshell who came to live with my mother as a kitten. Zoe was an orphaned, cross-eyed little thing that my mother fell in love with and adopted. Two weeks ago, Zoe had a kidney removed and the one that is left is not great. She's home now but recuperation is slow. She's a real trooper in her little Santa teeshirt that holds in her feeding tube and graciously puts up with the regular feeds and medication down the tube. She needs your prayers so that she begins to eat on her own and can visit the litter tray. She's got wonderful doctors but needs your prayers to get better. Please pray for Zoe. Many thanks and God bless.

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