Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sad News on Dudley the Dog


From Sarah and Scott: We are writing with some sad news to share with you. We said goodbye to Dudley yesterday afternoon. He died peacefully, on his own, in his own time, and he was not in pain. We are so grateful for this. Dudley shared his life with us for almost 12 years. We are going to miss him greatly. Dudley was a great example to us - he never hurt, betrayed or let us down. He was not unkind, thoughtless, selfish, self-absorbed or mean-spirited. We only wish that we could embrace these qualities in our own lives.

Today dear friends sent us this memorial to Dudley:

"We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend." - Robert Louis Stevenson.

It will be a different sort of Christmas for us this year, a much quieter one, and the house feels pretty empty.

I (Scott) was very grateful for your website and your encouragement that I pray to specific saints, asking for their intercession. I feel this practice made a difference in my own life - I was able to let Dudley go when it was time, and I believe St. Francis came to bring him home.

Merry Christmas - Peace be with you,


  1. So sorry to hear about Dudley. My own Golden, Frisco just turned 12 and we are slowly heading into the twilight as his cancer progresses. My heart goes out to you.

  2. Run free, young and healthy to the rainbow bridge gorgeous! My e.J., Katie and Bubba will be waiting.

  3. I am so sorry. We get so attatched to our pets. I, myself think of my dog as my child. They love us regardless as to the mood we're in. They bring us so much joy and give so much unconditional love and don't ask for a thing in return. Dudley is watching over you right now. He is sitting beside God waiting for you. What a joyful day that will be. He's in far better hands than we are here on earth. One day you will be reunited with Dudley. Have a Merry Christmas.


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