Monday, December 6, 2010

Prayer Request for Bear the Dog

From Patty:
I am sending this prayer request in for my daughter. Her dog Bear - Huskey/Boxer mixed is missing. She has been looking for him for two days. Please say prayers that he comes home or they find him safely. We have recently lost two dogs that we have had for 9 yrs and I don't think she could handle losing another. Bear is only 10 months only. Ive enclosed a picture so you can see what he looks like.


  1. Prayers for Bear to return home safely...

  2. It has been a little over 3 years now and unfortunately we never did find Bear. We can only hope that he is in a loving home or in Heaven waiting to be reunited with us one day. We love and miss you dearly Bear.

  3. I'm so sorry Patty. We join you in your prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.