Monday, December 6, 2010

Good News on Angel the Dog

From Michelle: First update:
Your prayers have worked!!! Our Angel is scheduled to come home late this afternoon! Her heart rate is normal and while she is still arhythmic, the amount of normal heartbeats have increased from 10% to 50% and improvments continue! She's n...ot eating yet, but she is drinking (which was crucial; otherwise they have to continue an IV drip), and the vet just told us when they let her out of her cage, she walked over to the door and looked at them like she wanted OUT! We are so blessed by ALL of your prayers.

Most recent update:
Angel is no longer arhythmic! She's not eating, but she DID take her pain meds and antibiotic wrapped in Philadelphia cream cheese from my hand -- such a good girl! And she is drinking well. Just some recuperation time -- and then, if the masses in her spleen were cancerous (still out for testing)

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