Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Special Prayer Request

From Michelle:
Please pray that the right cat will be brought into our lives. It has been a hard year for us pet wise. Our rescue min pin Katie died of pneumonia Feb. 8th, 2010. She was about 8 or 9 years old. In March we adopted 2 older doxies and found out they were heartworm positive so they had to be returned to the shelter as we were not emotionally ready to cope with a major illness in a pet again so soon. A friend ten gifted us an 8 week old min pin puppy we named E.J. It wasn't easy attending to his needs as a puppy and balancing our health issues, but we loved him so much. Unfortunately, on October 2nd, 2010 E.J. was killed by the neighbors lab when E.J. wandered into their yard when my hubby left the gate open and I neglected to make sure all was secure before letting E.J. Outside. My husband tried hard to rescue E.J. And was bitten on the hands. What he witnessed and the injuries I saw the last 5 minutes of E.J.'s young life horrified us both and we thought we would never adopt again. E.J. Was only 6 months old. Never again will we bring a dog into our lives, but we would enjoy an indoor only cat and will be soon adopting. We spend a lot of time alone and it would be great comfort. Thanks and God bless,

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