Friday, November 12, 2010

Prayer Request for Skippy the Cat

From Melissa:
My beloved 8-year-old cat Skippy went missing on November 10, 2010. I'm so worried the worst has happened to him, as it is unlike him to stay gone for more than a couple of hours. He is a very sweet cat and our family and neighbors love him dearly. Please pray for his safe return and the strength of our family to endure the pain of missing him and worrying about him.


  1. A large cat matching Skippy's description and wearing a purple collar has been spotted about 1/2 mile from home on January 21 at about 11 p.m. Please pray it is him....a live trap has been set!

  2. I have posted the update. We will continue to pray for his safe return home.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.