Friday, November 19, 2010

Prayer Request for Pep the Cat

From Ester:
Pep is sick. cannot eat, throwing up, losing weight. Pray for her. she is only 10 years old and very sweet. her brother Moo is always sad cannot figure out why they could not play together. Thank you.


  1. From Jan who send an email: Just want you to know that I'm thinking prayerfully of you and your Pep and Moo
    and wishing you all the best...hope she gets to feeling better very soon.

    Very Sincerely,

  2. My 11 year old cat did this recently. I took him to the vet and he had several bad teeth. After they did his dental they gave him a shot to keep him from vomiting. He has been fine since and has gained weight. I also switched him to soft food and that has seemingly helped. Prayers that your little one gets better soon.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.