Thursday, November 18, 2010

Prayer Request for Gus the Dog

From Miss Jan:
THANK YOU for a beautiful blog!

My 15-year-old Jack Russell Gus is at the vet today, they think he might have liver disease but that actually is a step up from the original suspicion of liver cancer. So, I was looking for a way to send a thank you prayer to St. Roch and St. Francis for that tiny improvement after fervent prayer - and I found the blog. It is so helpful and I will tell you why. I am not religious in the sense of organized religion but am spiritual but also have little idea to whom to pray or even how. I learned about St. Roch a couple weeks ago (though I knew of St. Francis already) and St. Jude because someone told me of this saint, so I sent pleas for help for my Gussie to those saints and even this small improvement of Gus' situation I believe means those prayers were answered. I'm not sure I should be greedy and ask others to pray for him too - you can see I'm sort of floundering in unfamiliar territory here. BUT now I have a couple of more saints (found in your blog) to whose attention I can bring my Gussie's plight with the help of the lovely prayers on your site and some of my own which are admittedly a little clumsy and lacking in grace.

THANK YOU for helping us with animals help them.

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