Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Very Sad News - Oby the Dog

From Sandra:
Oby passed today with his head in my hands and his eyes engaging with mine. I had been saying good bye over a period of three weeks as in my heart I knew I had to make sure he knew how grateful I was to him for being with me and so devoted to me. He had declined to the point where he could not walk properly. It was awful to see such a fine, beautiful creature that had shared so much with me and me pass at such a young age. The old saying only the good die young springs to mind. I have treated today as his funeral and cushioned the inexplicable pain of loss with brandy to numb myself and I am distraught, but had to do what was right to allow Oby peace. This will not be going away and I ask that you pray for Oby and for me, as I feel so lost without him and life feels meaningless right now.

I borrowed the money to have a private cremation and waiting for his ashes. He is in cold storage until next Monday with the vet and will be cremated then and I have to wait another week until the following Monday before I can have the casket with Oby's ashes.

I covered the issues I mentioned to you and the vet said that such an adverse reaction to advocate is rare. I still feel in my heart that this is what ultimately killed Oby as his heart condition could not have been helped by this. Everyone that has known us has said that they have never seen such devotion and that without the love that I gave him his breif life would have been very unhappy. I rescued him from a terrible life and I was his third owner. He was very damaged by people and I connected to the very core of his heart and soul and he idolised me. I feel I will never recover..........but everyone says that time heals...........

Thank you for your support and prayers. I am sobbing as I write this.

Bless all the kind people that have been praying for us. Thank you, Esther. God bless you.
Please keep Sandra in your prayers as she suffers the loss of her beloved pet.

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