Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Reese the Kitten

From Elizabeth:
Can you please post a prayer request for me?

I am fostering a litter of four kittens and a momma cat for a local rescue. Our tabby boy kitten Reese, who is about eight weeks, become very suddenly ill on Tuesday. The vet believes he may have distemper. He is not eating or drinking, and he is listless. He has terrible diarrhea that is burning the fur on his hind quarters. We have him separated in a crate and are force feeding him specialty food every four hours and forcing water with a syringe. The vet says if he can make it through five days, his chances to survive increase tremendously, but 90 percent of kittens that contract distemper die. Every time I enter our kitten room, I breathe a sigh of relief that he is still alive. I am praying for him every night. Please pray that my little Reese makes a full recovery.

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