Friday, September 10, 2010

More News on Olivia the Dog and Request for Continued Prayers

From Mark:
I just wanted to thank you again for your site. We have been overwhelmed by some of the posts and I want everyone to know that even as we deal with Olivia’s issues, my heart goes out to all who have a sick, injured, or missing pet, and of course to all who have lost the wonderful companions. These animals give us so much unconditional love, they truly most be sent from God.

As for Olivia, she had major surgery Tuesday to remove the tumor from her intestine. You can see the incision on the poor thing. However, she seems to be recovering well-in fact I think she has more energy than she has since we got her.

However we still need as many prayers as we can get. This beautiful little dog means everything to my daughter. They are going to biopsy the tumor, as well as her liver and lymph nodes. The waiting is terrible. We will not know until sometime next week. We know the news could be good or bad, but we also know that the awesome doctors that have been treating her, combined with prayer can do wonderful things.

Thanks to all who read these messages and God Bless.

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