Friday, September 10, 2010

More News on Chase the Cat

From Chase's Owner via Phil:
Well, Chase is coming home today. My mom will go pick him up at the Animal
hospital later this morning. His fever had come down to normal yesterday
evening, but went back up significantly this morning. He is receiving
steroids and antibiotic and it is helping, but not keeping the fever down
consistently. So apparently Chase still has some sort of unresolved
condition. The doctor doesn't know what's going on at this point and
doesn't believe there is much more we can do.. and we've done everything we
could within reason at this point. There are many more tests we can run,
but the doctor feels that the only thing they can tell us is that Chase has
something we can't cure. So, I'll stay close to home this weekend and
basically just enjoy him, keep him happy and comfortable. I'll keep
praying and see where it goes from there. The doctor said that he may just
work through this and be ok.. there is still that chance, but we realize
that's not probable, but as far as prayers, nutritional support, etc. etc.
I am not going to give up at this point.

I REALLY appreciate your prayers. I have been praying to our Lord of
course and also to my favorite Saints. Chase really is a sweet little cat
without a mean bone in his body. So, I'm sure the Saints don't mind
praying for him.:)

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