Thursday, June 3, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Bracco the Dog

From Evelyn:
Please pray for my dog Bracco...who is a 12 year old German Shepherd.....he has a large tumor in his abdomen and also the vet said something strange was seen on his liver from the ultrasound. Tomorrow June 4th 2010 - he will have surgery to remove the large tumor - but i am afraid it might be cancer or something worse....i always prayed to God that he would live to 15 in good health and when it is his time to go - God would take him peacefully on God's terms (not by me putting him down). I have had my share of animals - my first animal (family dog when i was young) had to be put to sleep as it had distemper. Then our next family dog lived 9 years and died by bleeding to death of a hemorrage. This picture is still in my mind. My next dog - also German Shepherd - Black/Tan - developed Epileptic seizures- finally had to put her to sleep.

Thank you for praying.
Please keep Bracco and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers.

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