Monday, May 31, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Cousin the Dog

From Karen:
Please pray for my beloved dog Cousin. I think he may have been poisoned and there is no animal hospital here in American Samoa, just a small vet clinic at the agriculture dept with little or no medicine and it is closed today and there is no where else I can go for help, I's just me and my other dogs at home. Cousin is a stray that I took in after he was hit by a car and had a severly broken leg. With some duck tape and lots of TLC he was back on all fours and running like a champ-no limp. He has been a part of my family for a few years now. He has been a faithful guardian and companion for me and my other dogs. It has always been my hope to give him a happy long life and that he may pass painlessly and peacefully at a very old age. Yesterday he was normal and strong as ever, now he is barely breathing Please pray for him
Please keep Cousin and all our pets who have been poisoned or mistreated, in your prayers. We pray for Cousin's healing.

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