Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Prayer Request for Meanie the Cat

From Meanie's owner:
Hello, all. I am once again asking you to pray for my Meanie. As you may recall, she had her right hind leg amputated in Feb when they found a cancer. It was an awful week full of screaming and hissing and confusion, but we made it through together. She was never a mommy's girl, but ever since I stayed home to help her through her recovery she has not left my side. She even sleeps by me and we hold onto each other. (I have always loved her, but until now she has been a daddy's girl-- now we are just about inseparable!) I truly think she knows how much I care for her and what my intentions were with the surgery.
Last week, I noticed a bald spot on the right side of her nose. I am hoping that this is just my paranoia, but this is how the tumor on her leg began. It has been a mere four months since she was put through all of that torture. Please pray that this is just my overactive imagination and that it is not the start of another tumorous growth. I hate to think that I put her through such hell for just four months of life. I know the power of prayer, as I did not think she would make it through even that first week after surgery, but your prayers were heard. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She is only about ten, and has so much energy (I think she's faster on 3 legs than she was on 4!) and love for life, and has been through so much already this year. Thank you, and God bless you and all of your family members --two and four... or three-legged. Meanie's Momma
Please keep Meanie and all our pets in need in your prayers. We ask for St. Martin de Porres and Bl. Seelos' intercession.

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