Saturday, April 3, 2010

URGENT Prayer Request for Patch the Cat

From Jon:
Please pray for our cat Patch. Patch is a shy retiring cat that has fallen ill with what the vets think is Leukemia. He was a feral cat that we took in along with his brother from a previous litter and his pregnant mother. All of these cats tested negative for Leukemia and they have lived inside exclusively since they came in. We felt so blessed that none of them were positive for this disease.

Last week we noticed Patch was hiding and did not look good so we took him to the vet and he was near death. He is a rare blood type and we gave a transfusion from his brother. He tested positive for Leukemia but when we sent out blood for a more definitive test it came back negative but indeterminate. Patch is so shy I am unwilling to take him back to the Vet. We tried but he simply will not go and I am convinced he would rather die than go back for more tests, which after all would really not tell us anything. So far we have two negative tests and one positive test and our other cats are negative but we know he is not replacing red blood cells.

Please pray for Patch. He is only two and of all the cats I have ever had and we have twelve now, he is the sweetest. We leave it with God but we would really like Patch to get better and stay with us for a long time.

Thank you for your prayers.
Please keep Patch and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers. We especially ask for Blessed Seelos' and St. Martin de Porres' intercession for healing if it be God's Will.

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