Thursday, April 1, 2010

Prayer Request for Missing Pet Dog

From Tara and Clara:
I am emailing from Pooler, Georgia. Our 2 y/o border collie mix has been missing for 18 days now. We are sick with worry. He escaped our pet sitter on March 13th evening and an accident prevented us from making it home until two hours after the event. We have put up hundreds of dollars of posters, passed out hundreds of fliers door-to-door. We are asking for your help. Would you please be so kind as to pray for his safe return? I imagine him surrounded by a bubble of safety and light and going to a lady that will return him to us. Any help is appreciated more than you know.

I hope this email meets you in high spirits. Have a blessed Passover and Easter.
Please pray for this missing pet and all our missing pets. We especially invoke the aid of St. Anthony to help in bringing them all back home safe and sound.

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