Friday, April 23, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Dudley the Dog

From Sarah and Scott:
Please pray for our 11 year old Golden Retriever, Dudley. Earlier this week we discovered a 2" mass on his left hind leg. Tests from the vet have indicated that it is a cancerous tumor (in the "soft tissue sarcoma" family). It is unclear at this point if surgery to remove it is possible because of the tumor's location which is near the joint. We are faced with the following options: 1) having the tumor removed followed by radiation (if surgery is possible) with a 15% chance of the tumor coming back (radiation would need to be done in Seattle Washington and we live on Vancouver Island, Canada); 2) doing the surgery without radiation with a 50% chance of it reoccurring; 3) having his leg amputated which would ensure the cancer would not return; or 4) doing nothing. The vet cautioned us that the last option would eventually result in gangrene which would be a bigger problem. We will be finding out more information in a few days, but we need to act soon as the tumor continues to grow. He is an otherwise very healthy dog with lots of energy. Our prayer is for a miraculous cure and for the tumor to be gone or that surgery will be possible, the tumor will be completely removed and his leg will remain intact. Please pray also that we will make the right decision given the options presented to us. We have been praying to God and asking for St. Francis to intercede for us. The last few nights have been agonizing in worry and fear. We love him so much and ultimately want what is best for him. We pray that we can have him as our faithful, beloved companion for a little more time.

Thank you so much for your prayers and please be assured of our prayers for all the pets that are sick, or lost or are in any kind of need.
Please keep Dudley and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers. We especially ask Bl. Seelos and St. Martin de Porres for their intercession.

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