Friday, April 23, 2010

Health Tip - Reducing Vet Bills

I found the following tip at The Dollar Stretcher
Sometimes dogs, like people, need blood transfusions. Everyone who works at my vet's office knows that they are always welcome to call me whenever a patient needs blood. From what I understand, all dogs have the same blood type; the real issue is the amount. Since my dogs are large, they can donate to any other dog. And, although this isn't why I let them donate blood, I always get a nice credit on my next vet bill, usually between $50 and $80.

So for readers who have dogs (I don't know if this works for cats, but I suspect it might), they may want to let their vets know that their healthy dogs are available for donation.
Rebecca in Johnson City, TN

editor's note: For more on pet healthcare, please click here Pet Health Care for Less.

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