Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Update on Dudly the Dog and Urgent Prayer Request

From Scott:
I thought I would update you on Dudley and ask for further prayers as he will be having surgery tomorrow to remove the tumor on his left hind leg. Our specific prayer request is that the surgery will be successful and that the veterinary surgeon will be able to remove the whole tumor with wide enough margins and that there will be no reoccurrence of the tumor or cancer any where else. We are also asking for prayers that his pain will be well managed during and after the surgery and that he will make a full recovery. Right now he is very peaceful and content and has no idea that his world is about to radically change. The word I received in my prayers late last night was TRUST, which we are trying very hard to do. Thank you so much for considering this prayer request. We have been regularly asking for Blessed Francis X. Seelos and St. Martin de Porres to pray for Dudley. We continue to hold pets all over the world who are ill or lost and especially those mentioned on this site in our prayers.
Many thanks, again.

Peace and blessings to you,

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