Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prayer Request for Pets Abandoned by Owners When Homes are Foreclosed

I read a disturbing story in an old Ladies Home Journal yesterday, Left Behind. At least this realtor is doing something about the pets that are abandoned. But it got me to thinking about all the others who are left to die.

Just today, I received the following story via email.
Keeping Your Pet Out of the Economic Doghouse
Millions of pets in the United States are euthanized because there are no homes for them. According to The Spayed Club website, more than 35,000 dogs, puppies, cats and kittens in the seven shelters around Greater Philadelphia are put to death each year.

In a difficult economy, many pets are abandoned to reduce homeowners' costs, but just like anything else in the house, with a little planning and research, pet care can be less burdensome on the budget.

Please keep all our abandoned pets in your prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.