Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sad News - Fritzie the Cat

From Sarah:
Just wanted to let you know that we said goodbye yesterday to Fritzie. It was all just too much for his little body. He tried very hard to beat it, as did we, but the leukemia was too strong. It was in his bone marrow, and depleted his red blood cells. He was the sweetest little angel in the world, and my husband and I wouldn’t trade a moment for another cat. He brought us so much happiness and joy. We buried him in the backyard at sunset. I placed several of his toy balls that he loved to play fetch with, a can of his favorite food, and three pictures, one of him with John, one of John and I, and one of Fritzie when he was just a kitten.

Thank you all so very much for your prayers, I know that without them, we would not have had the extra almost two months with him. It gives me great happiness that you and everyone were so kind to open your hearts and keep us in your prayers, and I thank you so very much.

With great appreciation,
Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep Sarah in your prayers as she grieves the loss of Fritzi, her beloved pet.

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