Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sad News - Devo the Dog

From Tara and Clara:
I wrote on April 1st, asking for a prayer request for our lost border collie mix, Devo. He was lost for 20 days, no doubt chasing deer in the massive woodland areas in our area. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that Devo was struck by a car and killed yesterday morning. Thanks to the kindness of a passing stranger, who saw one of our many signs, we were able to say our goodbyes. It is not the homecoming we anticipated, but he is now home in our hearts. Thank you for posting on your site. It afforded us peace when we were so very hopeless. Alas not all endings are happy ones.

Thank you again for keeping our family in your prayers, especially now.
Please keep Tara and Clara in your prayers as they mourn the loss of their beloved pet Devo.

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