Saturday, March 6, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Red the Cat

From Beverly:
I found this wonderful little creature 14 years ago that grew into a bid red tabby cat named "Red" and found out this week that he has a mass under his tongue. Still waiting on results of tests, but it's my understanding that it's rarely good news. I am praying for the best. Last night and this morning Red will not eat or drink. I have prayed all week and would appreciate all the support I can get. He has been a wonderful friend and I will not allow him to suffer, but I need guidance to ensure I do the right thing. If it's God's will, please pray that it be clear to me. I do not want Red to suffer. If there is hope, please pray for the restored health of the best friend I've had.

God bless you and thank you for your prayers.
We seek the intercession of St. Martin de Porres and Blessed Seelos for Red's healing and all pets in need. Thank you all for your dedicated prayers for our beloved pets.

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