Saturday, March 6, 2010

Update on Red the Cat

From Beverly:
My best friend of 14 years, Red, went in for a dental checkup and they found a mass/tumor under his tongue. I am waiting impatiently for the test results. Red stopped eating and drinking yesterday which isn't good for cats. I put my St. Christopher in his bed yesterday and prayed. As of this morning, he still wouldn't ingest anything. Something told me to research the Patron Saint of Cats, found this site, and added him to the prayer list. My prayer was that he take nourishment until we find out if we can beat his sickness and that I be guided to what is best for him. He has been too good of a friend to me - I can't let him suffer. It is with a happy heart and many tears of joy that I report that he just ate six shrimp and drank some fish broth. Followed of course by a grooming session with his favorite brush - he purred louder than I've ever heard him purr. Thank you for adding him to the prayer list and I will continue with the beautiful prayers on this site. This site is a true blessing - thank you with all of my heart and love.
Thank you all again for your prayers!! Please continue to keep Red in your prayers.

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