Thursday, February 25, 2010

Recent Update on Fritzie the Cat's

From Sarah:
We went to the oncologist today for Fritzie and we had some promising news, thanks to everyone who has been kind to pray for him. The doctor seemed shocked and surprised by the results… We aren’t out of the woods, but it’s a good start. Will deal with the Feline Leukemia later, it’s just one step at a time.

Thank you so much for praying for my baby, they are working as is God. He goes back on Monday for his next chemo treatment. Even though we are facing a lot of issues, we are pleased with the results today. And we have a few more precious days with our beloved kitty Fritzie.

I want to thank you and everyone who is sending their good thoughts and prayers to Fritzie, it means the world to me.
Blessed Seelos, we ask your intercession for Fritzie and all our seriously ill pets!

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