Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prayer Request for Colt the Dog and Julie

From Julie:
You faithfully prayed for my Springer Sioux last fall when she was diagnosed with lymphoma. I thank you for that. You probably remember that I had to put her down on December 11. I've been very sad since but have felt guilty when thinking of getting another dog.

Tomorrow I'm starting a two week trial with a Springer that I would like to adopt from a local shelter. They estimate his age to be 1 year. He has a lot more energy than Sioux. That will be new for me. He's also a male. That will be new for me. He made me smile last night when I met him. Please pray for me, Colt, the new dog and this new chapter in both of our lives.

Thank you very much,
Please pray that Julie's discernment in adopting Colt.

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