Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Update on Baby the Rabbit

From Steve:
Thanks to all of you who are praying for our little guy, and praise to God for watching over him. I wanted to let you know how it went at the vet's office today. I was so happy to hear that Baby made it through the anesthesia, procedures, and medicated bath Monday, and they were able to get a lot (but not all) of the ruined fur and material off of him (he is almost bald all over now - so we have to keep him extra warm as rabbits are very fragile and susceptible to cold). When they brought him out to us in his carrier, he hopped right to the door of it to greet us. That was the happiest moment. We put lots of warm fabric in over him to keep him warm on the ride home. He came home to freshly sanitized living quarters with fresh bedding, food, water - everything new for him. He started eating right away. He is still very sick and the doctor is researching what else we can do for him because she says she has never seen anything quite like his case.

Praise God
Thank you all for your continued prayers.

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