Monday, December 21, 2009

Prayer Request for Winston the Puppy

From Dean and Jenn:
Please help us by giving your gift of prayer to ask the Lord to restore our dog, Winston, to health and strength. We first found Winston at a shelter after looking for a dog for over a year. He is a wonderful pet and friend that makes children laugh and the old smile. But last week, Winston suddenly started showing signs of neurological problems. The doctors are giving him tests. It's all very scary.

We love Winston very very much. And thank all of you for praying for him.

Also, my wife and I pray that all of your pets get well very soon. And if he/she is lost they are guided home.
Please keep Winston and all our critically ill pets in your daily prayers.


  1. Thanks so much for your blogspot. It was much comfort in a very traumatic time when our pet Benny the Dog was lost to us. He has been returned to us and we are forever thankful to God, Jesus, and Mary for their intercession. Thank you, too, Esther for your kind thoughts and prayers for all pets and their owners in times of fear and anxiety. Bless you!
    Dr. Ken Currier & Benny the Dog

  2. Dr. C. what wonderful news!! Merry Christmas.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.