Monday, December 21, 2009

Prayer Request for CeeCee the Dog

Please add CeeCee (dog, our "child") to your prayer list. She is 10 and has suffered from epilepsy all her life. She went into status on Thursday morning, seizing for 1.5 hrs. She continued to have seizures every few hours for about 48 hours after this episode, despite being heavily medicated. Her recovery has been slow, but at least she is recovering somewhat. She is scared and lacks some vision and balance. Please pray for her!
Please keep CeeCee and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers.


  1. the seizure monster sucks...we've a sibe furriend who gets em...woos to you and yours and know your baby will be prayed extra hard for...

  2. Update on CeeCee (the dog with epilepsy): CeeCee seized again after asking for your prayer requests, so all was not over! She, however, has been seizure-free now for 63.5 hours now. She seems to be fully recovered. Her vision has returned, her balance is much better, and her sweet personality is back. We thank all of you for your prayers and ask that you continue to pray for our baby. As we near Christmas, it is our fear that she will need emergency care on the holiday when services are in short supply. Thus far, our/your prayers have been answered. Please continue to pray for her as we will pray for your beloved pets. Thanks, again!

  3. Erin, we will continue to pray for CeeCee. Thanks for the update and your prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.