Monday, December 21, 2009

Prayer Request for Benny the Dog

From Ken:
Please pray for the return of lost doggie, Benny. God brought him to us and, of course, after God and Jesus, the light of our lives. He is not quite two years old and lost in a strange city after coming to Glendale/Peoria for Christmas to visit my family. He has been lost since Saturday, December 19th at around noon. He is a small, very cute beagle mix who is very loving and playful. We miss soooo much! It is devastating. The mornings and evenings are the hardest wondering if he is ok, if he had a warm place to sleep and something to eat and drink. Please pray for his safe return to us! Thank you so much Esther for you loving kindness and prayers for our Benny.
Please keep Benny and all our lost pets in your prayers. We especially seek the intercession of St. Anthony, patron saint of lost items (and in our case, lost pets).

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