Saturday, September 5, 2009

Urgent Prayers Needed for Charmer the Horse

Charmer - Photo taken 9/5/09

Charmer the Horse
Dear Friends:

The other day I posted a prayer request from Lisa for her horse Charmer here.

Lisa sent me the following update:
Thank you very much Esther, but we received bad news this evening. The infection isn't getting any better and she is going to need to be put down. We brought her home from the hospital and I am spending all the time I can with her. It would require a miracle now to save her. To see her you would never know she is ill, she nickered to me when I arrived at the hospital and she bright eyed and smiling. This is very hard for me, I just lost my other horse of 25 years the weekend after Christmas. My girl Charmer is so very special I can't imagine my barn with out her.
I am asking you to offer your prayers for Charmer that God in His love of his four-legged creatures, especially a faithful animal like a horse, will heal Charmer.

I am specifically asking for the intercession of Blessed Seelos, who is known for healing sick pets.

As always, God's will be done.

Thank you.


  1. I will most definitely pray for Charmer! I know the pain of losing a beloved horse all too well. Roz

  2. I will most definitely pray for Charmer! I know the pain of losing a beloved horse all too well. Roz

  3. Thank you Adrienne and Roz. I know Lisa really appreciates the prayers for her beloved horse.

  4. Esther,

    I commented to you on FB regarding Lisa's loss of Charmer. Please relay this to her in hopes that the poem will help her at this very sad time. It helped me so much when my Ace had to be put down. love, roz

  5. Roz, I emailed her your link. Thank you.

    You were on my mind when I first learned of Lisa's horse.



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.