Saturday, September 5, 2009

Update on Callie the Cat

Dear Friends:

The other day I posted what now seems to have been a premature praise report on Callie. original post here

Jean shared the following update:

Update on Callie:

Since I wrote you last, Callie has been to the Dr. twice for diagnostic tests and x-rays. She can barely walk and the vet can't figure out what's wrong with her.

Originally, the vet thought that she might have a tumor on her spine or cancer. Something seems to be wrong with her spine, but it didn't show up in the x-rays. She has pain in that area and meows a lot when she is touched there or if you try to pick her up.

In addition to her diabetes medicine, she now takes medication for inflammation. She stays downstairs all the time now and stays close to her food and water.

Would you please continue to pray for her? It breaks my heart to see her like this, when just a few weeks ago she was running and jumping. She is such a sweet, loving cat.

I have used holy water from Lourdes to bless her and have been praying to St. Francis of Assisi for her healing.

Thanks so much!

God bless you,

Please continue to pray for Callie and all our sick and suffering pets. We especially ask for the intercession of Blessed Seelos who is known for healing sick pets.

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