Sunday, August 16, 2009

Prayer Request for Riley the Pup

Rebecca has left the following prayer request for Riley:
Please pray for my pug pup Riley. She has been throwing up and won't eat or drink anything for 3 days. She cries when we pick her up. She just turned one last month. She has been to the vet, but they have no idea what is wrong with her. I love her dearly. She had Big Shoes to fill when I got her because I just lost my other little girl, Bailey, last year. I can't bear to lose Riley too. She is my little baby and follows me everywhere.
Please keep Riley and all our sick pets in your prayers. If anyone has any idea on what could be wrong with Riley, please leave a comment. Thanks so much.

Blessed Seelos, we ask your intercession for this sick puppy and all our sick pets. Please ask God to help them. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rebecca: Has she had her shots for Parvo? Could you bring her to another vet?


  1. I'm praying for Riley. If possible please see another vet. May God be with you all.

  2. TY. I hope Rebecca posts an update.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.