Sunday, August 16, 2009

Prayer Request for a lost Pet Cat

Someone left the following prayer request:
Pls pray for my kitty who is been missing since 4 days.. I hope she returns back soon.. Need your prayers. St ANTHONY PLS ANSWER MY PRAYERS
Please keep this little cat and all our missing pets in your prayers.


  1. Just want you to know that I've been praying for all the posts that I haven't commented on (how's that for a lousy sentence?)

    Often it is late at night and I don't have time to check in...

    Always time for fur people prayers...

    When Elle went in for her check up (her leg is doing GREAT!) a sweet black lab was leaving with both back legs amputated very high up. He was walking on his front legs and they were carrying the back end with a sling. I asked what happened and they told me it was a car accident. I think they're going to get him some sort of cart. So sad!

  2. What a sad story Adrienne. Poor dog. Glad to know Miss Elle is doing well. Thanks for the prayers for these pets. I know they make a difference.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.