Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer Request Frisco the Dog

Sushiboofay posted the following comment:
Please pray for us again. My dog Frisco was suppose to have surgery a few weeks ago, but it was postponed because he had an infection.

We have that under control, so the vet wants to do surgery tomorrow on the fatty tumor on his side(Wed. 7-15).

Please pray that he makes it through this surgery and that it helps with his other health issues.

I am trying to put all of this in God's hands, but my stomach is in a knot and I am so worried about my Golden Boy.

Thanks you.


  1. I wish I've known of this blog before my Katie passed away. :'-(

    Read here about my Katie.

    May the Lord bless us all, and our faithful animal companions.


  2. Adrienne and Ra_husky, thanks for your prayers.

    Theo, me too. Sorry about your dog. Thanks for sharing your blog post on Katie.

    God bless,

  3. Thanks so much for the prayers yesterday! Frisco made it through surgery and got to come home with us yesterday afternoon. The vet said that his numbers (vitals) stayed very steady the whole time -very little flucutation. I feel very certain this was because of the prayers we had going on for us yesterday!

    He is still having some stomach issues, so please keep us in your thoughts that this clears up, but did want everyone to know that he did have surgery and came through it very well!

    Thanks again!

  4. S., so happy to learn Frisco's surgery went well. We will continue to pray for him.

    Thanks for the update and praise report.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.