Saturday, July 11, 2009

Prayer Request for Elle the Dog

Adrienne's little dog blew her other knee and now requires surgery. Please say a prayer for her and Adrienne's intentions.


  1. Thanks so much. Her surgery is Wed. - the first opening the doc had. He's doing knees on Mon. and Tue., and now Wed. He loves ortho type surgery and is very good at it.

    Right now Elle is pretty miserable. Can't put any weight on her leg at all. And we have to take turns leaving 'cause she goes crazy if one us isn't around. I understand because she's in pain and scared.

    She's taking Metformin and Tramadol and that really helps.

    Hubby leaves Thur. morning for MN so Elle and I will be on our own when she comes home Thur night. I have all sorts of inside projects planned like painting the bathroom and finishing the bookshelves.

    But..........she does have a brand new shiny kennel.

  2. Please pray for us again. My dog Frisco was suppose to have surgery a few weeks ago, but it was postponed because he had an infection.

    We have that under control, so the vet wants to do surgery tomorrow on the fatty tumor on his side(Wed. 7-15).

    Please pray that he makes it through this surgery and that it helps with his other health issues.

    I am trying to put all of this in God's hands, but my stomach is in a knot and I am so worried about my Golden Boy.

    Thanks you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.