Saturday, May 30, 2009

Prayer Request for Stimpy a/k/a FiFi the Cat

From Maura:
Please pray for my lovely cat Stimpy a/k/a FiFi who is 18+ (we are not sure of his age) and has had a few strokes recently. He had another stroke yesterday and has been at the vets since then and we are hoping against all odds that he can recover somewhat. He gets progressively worse with each stroke. We love him so much but we will have to accept whatever is God's will. Please remember him in your prayers and our family also as we are devastated.
Please join me in praying for Stimpy and all our sick pets and the animals who have no one to care for them or are suffering.

Thank you!


  1. How the heck did I miss FiFi? Prayers ascending...

  2. That's okay. I know you are praying for them all daily.TY!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.