Sunday, May 31, 2009

Praise Report - Callie the Cat

I received the following from my friend Jean of Catholic Fire. She has given me permission to share it with you here:

Dear Esther,

...I wanted to give you an update on my cat, Callie, and thank you for your prayers.

When I requested prayers for Callie, she was very ill with diabetes and a bladder infection. We brought her into the vet's office twice -- initially for the diagnostic tests and her medications and later on an emergency basis as she had labored breathing, she wouldn't eat anything at all and laid around motionless. We thought she was dying.

She was given fluids and blood sugar levels were taken. We tried everything we could to entice her to eat, but she did not eat for eight days -- then ate only small amounts of food at a time. She continued to sleep constantly , getting up only to drink water and use her box.

She now eats regular amounts of food, seems more active, and grooms herself. She interacts with us and seems like her normal self.

We think she may have had a reaction to her medication and have cut back to half the dose. The trauma of having to go the vet's office and getting hurt (She moved when the needle was pulled out and was bruised) and having a couple of doctors probe and poke her because they couldn't find her bladder must have been painful, too.

She is doing so much better now. We prayed daily to St. Francis of Assisi and St. Martin de Porres (my husband's patron saint). Bill saw a mouse in two unusual places right before Callie's health improved. Callie's middle name is Jo, so we prayed to St. Joseph, too.

Her getting better was truly a miracle and I don't think it would have happened without your prayer support. Thank you so much!

God bless you!


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