Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rescued Koala


I thought you may like to put this pic on your pets blog...The Koala as far as I know is safe, but its paws were burnt...poor little things.....

Shared by our friend in Australia Marie


  1. They say that at least 200 people and over 1,000,000 animals died in those fires.
    One million animals: pets, livestock and native animals.
    It is hard to comprehend such a figure.

  2. TY Kirk. I found an article in the Honolulu Advertiser.

  3. Koala's are usually wary of people so you can imagine the desperation of this poor Koala. The film clip of it is also deeply moving and yes so many wild animals died and also pets who were left behind:( keep praying:)

    Peace and love to you Esther:)

  4. Marie, I didn't know that. Those poor animals!

  5. pls pray for my cat zebra his been missing for 8 days


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