Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Prayer for My Lost Cat

This was send to me by my friend Sue after I told her about my missing cat Honey.

St. Francis and St. Anthony, please come promptly to the aid of this
precious cat, and those who love her so, and enable her to find her
way back home, having suffered no ill effects from her separation
from her family.
Thank you sweet Jesus for your mercy on this family and their dearly
loved cat, and for restoring her to them.
It is in your name we pray,


  1. Pray for my Lucy also who is out and not home.

  2. Please pray for Pee Wee my 7-year-old male Balinese cat who suddenly disappeared 4/22/09.

  3. Please pray for Max who ran away on June 8, 2009.

  4. Please pray for my Babu who has not been home since June 8, 2009. I miss her so.

  5. Please Pray for our furry and friendly ferret Floyd (fatty). We lost him this morning and are worried sick. I know he's scared and hungry. Please bring him home safe. His sister misses him.

  6. My deepest thank you to all who prayed for my cat Babu, who had been missing for five days. I found her high up on a tree far from home on a very busy street. I was told that she had been in that tree for at least three days. I never would have looked for her where she was had not an unusual series of events occured that led me to that location.
    I will continue to pray for the safe return of Floyd, Max, Lucy, and Pee Wee.

  7. Hello i wish a prayer to my cat Choco his is two months old,he is lost since 26/06/09 please. Thank you all. God Bless

  8. Saint Francis,

    Please protect Bridget, a cat that I adopted a week ago and please make sure that she is safe and that she finds her way home. I feel very bad because I let her out and she is a very very frightened cat and has never been outside before.

  9. please pray for my cat Shady, I want her to come back home. I hope she is not scared. Please send her home.
    Becky, Andrew, chunky and dodger miss her

  10. Please pray for my baby Licorice, he has been with me since i was about 5 and i am now nearly 17, he will turn 13 this december...he went missing early yesterday morning 26 july 2009, we miss him so much and hope he is returned to us safely and soon. I love you Licorice no matter where you are...xx please help me protect and bring my cat home...

  11. Please pray for Kitty-Kit's safe return home. She disappeared on Sunday, July 26. I've had her for 16 years and I'm devastated at her absence.

  12. Please pray that our cat Cappacheno comes home soon. He has been missing since Sunday, 08-02-09 and has never been gone like this before. My boys are devastated, as am I. He is such a special cat I can't imagine him really being gone. He was a Christmas Eve kitten we adopted on Valentine's Day - please send our little gift back home to us!

  13. Thank you to all who prayed for the return of Kitty Kit. Due to the kindness of strangers, she was found and is now home after 2 weeks away from home!

  14. please pray for my cat geegee who ran away june 30 so about almost two months. i miss her so much she was my best friends through all the hard times i have please bring her home

  15. Pls pray for my kitty who is been missing since 4 days.. I hope she returns back soon.. Need your prayers. St ANTHONY PLS ANSWER MY PRAYERS

  16. Please pray for the safe return of our cat, Hope.

  17. I'm so glad I found your prayer. Is going to be helpful now that my dear little Antonia left home this morning and is nowhere to be found. Please pray with me as I will pray for all of our missing beloved friends. Make them return safe. Amen.

  18. Please pray for my cat Jesse who has been missing since Aug 24 2009. He is 10 years old and I miss him so much. Life is not the same without him.

  19. Please Pray for our beloved Cosmo who has disappeared in the last two days. She is a spunky 13 year old but we want her back here with her family where she is so loved and missed.

    August 28, 2009

  20. Please pray for our cat Gorby who has been missing since 9/4/2009.

    Esther and Dave

  21. Please pray for my cat Gabriel. He's been missing since Sept 11. I have been sick with worry. I just want him to be happy and safe even if he doesn't find his way home. I love him so much...every day has been agony.

  22. Please pray for our Squeakers who is missing since 9/12/09. I pray that no harm is going to come to him. He is so missed by us.

  23. Please pray for the safe homecoming of my cat Joey, missing since September 12. I am going nuts without him. Thank you, Gods bless.

  24. Aloha Elsina:
    Your prayer request has been posted.

  25. Please pray for my kitty Miss Lady. She has been missing since 10-11-09 and we are missing her terribly. I pray for her safe return and happiness each day.

  26. Aloha, I am posting your prayer request right now.

  27. Please say a prayer for my beloved cat Atticus. He has been gone for 2 days and I am missing my friend terribly.

  28. I am posting your prayer request right now.

  29. Esther G - prayers answered! Atticus was "trapped" by a neighbor and has been at the local animal shelter for the past 2 days. Thank GOD I went today, as they only keep captured cats for about 4 days before putting up for adoption or euthanizing. He had no identification and I went to the shelter as a last resort, not expecting to find him there....but there he was!!!! We were both so thrilled to see each other!! After we left the shelter, we immediately headed to the vet for him to be microchipped. He is now safely home and I am saying many prayers of thanks!!!!

  30. What wonderful news! I will post a praise report on Atticus. Thanks for letting us know.

  31. Please pray for Baby Kitty. She has been missing since 11/9/09. I am not the same without her and I have cried everyday. Please pray for her safe return to me very soon. Thank you. Maria

  32. Maria, I am posting your prayer request right now.

  33. i would like to pray for my lost cat billy hope she is okay i am worried sick for her safety she is a lovely warm hearted cat who loves her home. we want her back safe and sound for her sake and our family's sake. we love you billy come home please your food will be waiting for you love mum dad tiff kyle tori charley and jack lucy the rabbit xxx

  34. Posting your prayer request right now.

  35. Please pray for our little Hugs. She is a friend we miss dearly. She has not returned home since Dec 2, 2009 and our heart is heavy. I pray she is being watched over by our lord and all the patron saints of animals.

  36. please pray for our Cat Pokey..he is missing and his sister and our little boy miss him terribly. it is so cold outside I pray he is warm and safe and can find his way home.

  37. Your prayer requests has been posted.

  38. please pray for my cat leo he has been gone since december 9,2009 we miss him so much!

  39. Sarina, I am posting your prayer request right now.

  40. Please pray for my cat Dood, who is 9 months old and went missing on New Year's Day. I have raised her from birth and she's like my own child. I haven't been able to sleep or stop crying and praying since she didn't come home when I called for her.

  41. We are praying for Dood. Your prayer request has been posted.

  42. Please pray for my missing kitty. She has been gone since Jan 9th and is still gone. I miss you so much Kiciulka! Please come home!

  43. Dear Ata, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Kiciulka.

  44. Please help send Stewie home. We love and miss her. After calling for her and clanging the soft food can and fork still now Stewie bear. Please God send her safely home to us. We love her so much and we miss her so much! Please help her to come home to us. It is dark and she is probably a little scared. Please God send her home- please help her find her way home soon. We love her too much and we are too worried. Please God. Please God. Please. mommy, chris, bella, nekos, isabelle, and jonathan. Stewie please come home. We love you cutest nose on the planet stinky bear!!! please come home.

  45. Jen, we are praying for Stewie. Your prayer request is being posted right now.

  46. Please pray for safe return of kitty boy ANGEL... white with lite brown 3-year old with brilliant blue eyes and loving heart. His Munhall, PA family has been devastated since his escape on 3/12/10.

  47. I am posting your prayer request right now! Please know we are praying.

  48. You sure are!!! About 12 hours after making this posting, I am ecstatic to report that ANGEL came home after being gone almost a week!! Thank you for your prayers and for hosting a website that stresses praying to Our Creator as the answer to ALL our problems!

  49. That is terrific news! Thanks for letting us know. I will post a praise report right now. :-)

  50. Please pray for both my dogs Lizzie and Riley. Both my mother and I have been feeling awful since they escaped. And, we miss them both dearly. Thank you.

  51. Please pray for my dogs Lizzie and Riley. They've been missing as of March 21, 2010. My mother and I have been worried sick. We've done searches and are now posting up signs. I fear they're lost in the woods, but please pray. My pets mean alot to my family. Thank you.

  52. I am posting your prayer request. Please be assured of our prayers.

  53. Please pray for our baby Lilly who has been missing since Sunday. Our hearts our heavy and we are devasted. Please guide her safely back to our loving arms.

  54. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lilly.

  55. Please pray for Snowcap, who ran off April 3, 2010. He is a lovely, cuddly little man and he is missed greatly. God bless everyone here in need. Thank you!

  56. I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Snowcap's safe return home.

  57. Please pray for little Ruby, my orange tiger tabby who has been missing since April 11, 2010. She is the joy of our family, both human and furry, and her sweetness is sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all here who are missing a beloved pet.

  58. Your prayer request will be posted in a few minutes. Please know we are praying for Ruby's return. Thank you for joining in praying for all our pets in need.

  59. Please pray that kitty Mammie finds her way back home. We miss her so much. Prayer are powerful and we believe that with God's help we will find her. Thank you. We are praying for all lost cats and dogs.

  60. Joanna, I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Mammie safe return home. Thank you for your prayers for all our pets in need.

    MESSAGE TO ANYONE WANTING TO LEAVE A PRAYER REQUEST: Please email me at estherjoeysmom(at)gmail(dot)com or leave a comment on a post with less comments. Thank you so much.

  61. Please kind and loving souls, pray for our cat Miles who left house yeasterday morning 1st May 2010. With all my heart I believe in the power of your prayers, please let your prayers restore his safety. I pray for all the animals in distress for their peace health and safety. Please help us St. Anthony to know that Miles is safe.

  62. Your prayer request has been posted and we are praying for Miles.

  63. Please pray for my boy Santos. He snuck out somehow on May 4th,2010. Our family misses him terrible. His two siblings known as the sisters realize he isn't home and miss him too. They just aren't the same with him not being home. I've been in tears everyday since he has been missing. My daughters, myself and the kids around our home are all trying to find him for days now. He's never been an outside cat and I'm scared he may have a hard time finding his way home. The rain, winds, storms, and cold days I'm sure didn't help him much to find his way. Please pray for my boy to find his way home.

  64. I am posting your prayer request for Santos right away. Please know we are praying for his safe return home.

  65. Thanks to this blog for existing - it's given me some bit of hope - I and those that love our darling kitten, Simba of 9 months, would be very grateful if you could help him find his way home. He's been missing since the night of 10th May, he's quite adventurous and loves being out at night. Thank you all kindly. Serena.

  66. Serena, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Simba safe return home.

  67. Por favor, rueguen por mi gatita cheli que se perdio este lunes 10 de mayo, 2010 y no ha regresado, para que vuelva a su hogar sana y salva, donde todos quienes la amamos la esperamos con ansias. Muchas gracias

  68. Su petición de la oración ha sido anunciada en este blog. Sepa por favor que oramos para que San Antonito encuentra su gatita.

  69. Please ask for the safe return of our cat Maisy who has been missing since sunday 9th may, we are so worried about her and desperatley want her home safe with us.Please please help.

  70. I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying for Maisy.

  71. Please pray for my pet dog "truffles",who's been missing since this evening in the Philippines. I hope he could find his way back home or if someone has found him,may they return him safely home. Please help us.

  72. Richelle, your prayer request is being posted right now. We are praying for Truffles.

  73. Please pray for my lost cat "Mr. Belvedere". He has been through thick and thin with my family and it would be a miracle if we could find him. I beg of you to help us.

  74. Alexa, I am posting your prayer request right away. Please know we are praying that your kitty is found safe and sound.

  75. Please pray for out cat Miller, he needs medication, and he is not an outside cat, so we need God to guide him home and to watch over him until that time. Thanks

  76. Katherine, your prayer request is being posted. We are praying for Miller's safe return home.

  77. I need your prayer for young Tony, a cute and young tabby. Not used at all to go outside he fear everything: noise, peoples, cars etc. We are unable to locate him ! Pray for him like I do for other ppls. in same situation.
    I am sure that the mighty God is protecting his little creature but we miss him so much !
    Thanks (Norm)

  78. Norm, your prayer request for Tony is being posted right away. Please know we are praying for his safe return home. Thank you for your prayers.

  79. Thank you so much Esther. It warm greatly my heart...


  80. You are welcome Norm. God bless

  81. Greetings,

    I have no words to thank every peoples that have prayed with us and for TONY. We have found him in a near old barn, tired but in very good shape. I'm sure that God has guided us to the right place. After all, Tony like other animals, is His little creature.
    Thanks to everybody. BUT...this morning at 6.10AM, our little Lily is dead in my wife's arms. We are both collapsed. She was so sweet, lovely and so friendly. She has given us so much pleasure and love from 2003 until this morning.
    I'm sure that God is sending Her to the best place for her.
    Thanks God and once again thank you to everybody.


  82. Dear Norm: I am happy that Tony is home safe. I am very sorry to read that Lily died. We are praying for you during this difficult time in mourning a beloved pet.

  83. Please pray for the safe return of our cat, Mr. White, who went missing in the early morning hours of 19th June. We miss him dearly. Thanking you all in advance, and God bless.

  84. Tatiana, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mr. White's safe return home. God bless,

  85. Please post a prayer request for my kitty girl Willow who is under the vet's care for hepatic lipidosis. This is a serious condition, though most cats survive, about a third die. Every day is a struggle to keep the faith. It would mean the world to me if anyone reading this could offer up prayers for her quick and full recovery. Thank you so much.

  86. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Willow.

  87. Please pray for the safe return of my little cat, Framster, who has been missing since July 20, 2010.

  88. Your prayer request for Framster has been posted. We are praying.

  89. Please pray for my cat who's name is granny. she is 14 years of age and is missing. please pray she comes home safe thanks.

  90. Your prayer request is being posted right now. We are praying for Granny's safe return home.

  91. Granny's home :) :) she's a bit weak bt is gettin better thank u soooo much 4 prayin 4 her i really appreciate it :) :)

  92. Wonderful news! I will post the praise report.

  93. Note to anyone wanting to post a prayer request: I am closing this comment section. Please feel free to email me at estherjoeysmom(at)gmail(dot)com or to leave a comment at any other post with less comments. Thanks so much.
