Sunday, June 2, 2019

Prayer Request for Willow the Cat

From Tammy:
I’m writing for prayer request for my cat, Willow.  She is my best friend.  She is being admitted to Angell Memorial in BostonMA tomorrow for I-131 radioactive iodine treatment for her thyroid.  We have never been apart, and she gets extremely stressed out with car rides and I will have to leave her there (could be up to 1 week).

Please pray for her safety, that all is benign, for God to work through her doctor and team to provide the best care for her, for her healing, restoration, renewal and cure.  Also, to please pray for the protection of her kidneys and their continued health.  Please pray for her strength to get through this as calmly as possible.  (For her to eat, drink, sleep, and go to the bathroom for them).  Pray a hedge of protection around her, please.  They do not allow visitors due to radioactivity exposure.  This is extremely hard because we have NEVER been apart, and I don’t want her to feel like I’ve abandoned her.  Please pray for us, that everything goes miraculously well.  She is my heart and my soulmate.  This treatment has a 95 – 98% cure rate.  Please pray that all of her tests come out normal and treatment is safe and successful.

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